Ten Primary Girls enjoyed their second game of the season in brilliant Winter weather at Lighthouse Oval on Saturday 11th July. It was a close match with the Blues starting off the stronger and the Reds showing determination to bring the score to an 8-7 result.
The Reds were Anahera, Milla, Matilda, Penny and Amani. They showed good
covering and tackling defence, strong clearing kicks and follow through by the back line and clever turns, long runs, good stops and crosses by the forwards.
The Blues were Iluka, Georgie, Alana, Olivia and Aanya. The forwards made constant runs, clever turns around defence and good passes, while their backs ran to the ball, hassled the opposition and maintained strong position.
Last Friday's training focussed on passing and during Saturday's game, improved teamwork was evident by both sides. Thank you ex Primary Girl Matilda who assisted with training.
Each player has set a personal goal to improve a skill with the various skills including: left foot passes and kicks, footwork tricks, right foot kicks and passes, high kicks, defence skills and running to the ball.
Next Friday's training will focus on kicking.
Many thanks to the club for setting up the field and thanks to our referee Joel. Thanks also to the supporters and to the ex Primary girls now playing competition.
It was great to see Claire, Ellouise, Grace after their game.
There are now nineteen players registered and with the holidays finishing this coming week, coach Gwen is looking forward to seeing more girls for training and future matches. Thanks to all for their attention to the current guidelines during this unprecedented season.