This page is under construction - check back soon to see the latest updates for MUFC Coaches and Managers!
Player Eligibility and Borrowing Players
The need to ‘borrow’ players from other MUFC teams due to player absences within your own team is common. It’s important to ensure that any players who are invited to join your team are eligible, otherwise your team may lose points regardless of the outcome of the match.
You may not borrow players from another MUFC team who plays in the same Junior or Senior competition as your team. E.G. U12 Div 1 White cannot borrow from U12 Div 1 Black because they directly compete with each other in the same Div 1 competition. U12 Div 1 White could however borrow a player from the U12 Div 2 Grey team if required.
When borrowing players, teams are not allowed to borrow more players than are needed to give their team a maximum of 2 substitutes.
In general, players are allowed to play up an age group provided their actual age is no more than 2years younger than the competition they are filling in for. E.G. a 10 year old child may fill in for an U12 match, however a 9yo child is not eligible to fill in for U12’s (even if the 9yo plays in the U10 competition). Coaches and Managers are encouraged to refer to the below matrix for determining the age of players they are and are not allowed to borrow.
Click the above button to be directed to some resources for you to utilise from the FFA.
Keep checking out the events page and our Facebook for future courses that you might be interested in!
Coaching Courses
We encourage all MUFC Coaches to complete the coaching course that is specific for your age group.
This training will help you build confidence in yourself as a coach, and will give you the resources needed to best support the development and growth of your team.
MUFC will post information on courses being run in our area by the SDFA and FNSW, so keep an eye out on our Facebook page, Instagram and on our website.
Development phases shown with ages they are designed for.
Coaching courses and their deveopment phase.