2022 Season Player Grading Schedule
Please keep an eye out for potential grading day/times updates on the website, Facebook and Instagram. Please check back to confirm. Players must be registered before attending.
Grading Dates
U10 Mixed TBC
U10 Girls TBC
U12 Mixed TBC
U12 Girls TBC
U14 Girls TBC
U14 Boys TBC
U16 Girls TBC
U16 Boys TBC
Please note:
All players must be registered before attending grading. It is important to remember that your registration is not accepted by MUFC until full payment has been received.
Ages 8-16 – Players will need to attend grading and are to wear boots & shin pads; Players will be graded based on previous year ability with the additional assistance of grading staff
Note:. Miniroo and Junior grades can arrange to play with friends through the registrar (admin@mufc.net.au). This will be accommodated where possible.
Times are subject to change. Please check website within 24 hours of grading day.
Please see MUFC grading policy