Summer Soccer is a 7-a-side mixed social competition, with a maximum of 5 Males on the field at any time. This is a senior competition, eligible ages are 16 years and older. Games are played on half field size, 25 mins halves with a 5-minute halftime break.
The season will kick off on Thursday the 22nd of September and finish on the 15th of December with a Presentation BBQ
Registration costs $80.
Players will register for their nominated team by selecting the team during the registration process. Team Captains generally organise players to be on a team, however, if you are new to MUFC Summer Soccer or you are a Captain looking for players please email and we will assist.
Teams can have a maximum of 2 male & 2 female 1st-grade players per team (Graded by Committee). The Committee will have the final decision on all graded player decisions.