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MiniRoo Coaches Couse

  • Milton Ulladulla Football Club Deering St Ulladulla, NSW, 2539 Australia (map)

t is widely accepted that player retention is vital to any sport and club. FFA research shows that the main reason for players leaving our sport is poor coaching. Best practice suggests that “on the job” training provides optimum results and therefore delivery of coach education and support of coaches within the club environment would provide the best opportunities for coaches and positive experiences for young players. A minimum requirement is that the sessions are safe, organised, enjoyable and engaging; therefore support and feedback will predominantly focus on coaching behaviours. - Play Football Administration

"Discovery phase"

For coaches training 5-9 year old players.

The 2 hour course is fully practical and encourages the coach to develop practices that are based on FUN. The emphasis is on natural development i.e. learning by PLAYING football. No coaching but organising FUN football exercises is the key to helping players build a love for the game. Another highlight of the course is that the coaches are exposed to basic rules of the game as well as tips and hints on building a football culture in a completely practical setting.

The course is free, however, spots are limited. Please Register by emailing