COVID-19 Safety Plan
Effective 1 July 2020
Community sporting competitions and full training activities
Organisation name:
Milton Ulladulla Football Club
Plan completed by:
Caylie Wise (Secretary)
In alignment with The Return to Play Guidelines developed by Football NSW
Requirements for your organisation and the actions you will put in place to keep your participants, volunteers and workers safe.
ACTIONS: Wellbeing of staff and visitors
Exclude staff, volunteers, parents/carers and participants who are unwell:
Before participating in any football activity, we have advised all players, team officials, parents/carers and other club members they must not attend training or matches, if in the past 14 days if they have:
- been unwell or had any flu-like symptoms, or
- been in contact with a known or suspected case of COVID-19, or
- any sudden loss of smell or loss of taste, or
- are at a high risk from a health perspective, including the elderly and those with pre-existing medical heath conditions.
We have advised that they should check the NSW Government website for advice regarding the full list of symptoms associated with COVID-19 infection:
Provide staff and volunteers with information and training on COVID-19, including when to get tested, physical distancing and cleaning, and how to manage a sick visitor:
We have worked with Football NSW to promote and encourage the use of the following resources and websites in order to obtain accurate information:
- Australian Government Department of Health:
- NSW Government Department of Health:
- World Health Organisation:
- Australian Institute of Sport:
- Sport Australia:
Similarly, we have promoted the range of COVID-19 “campaign resources’ produced by the Federal Government, including posters outlining hygiene practices (e.g. promoting thorough hand washing) found at:
Make staff aware of their leave entitlements if they are sick or required to self-isolate.
Whilst our club’s workforce are volunteers, we have made them aware of the above-mentioned symptoms and stipulated that they should stay away from the club and self-isolate in the event that they experience any symptoms
Display conditions of entry (website, social media, venue entry):
We will display posters, distribute and “share” information about COVID-19 across our digital channels and at appropriate locations around our club house and venue.
Where appropriate, we will identify and address potential language, cultural and disability barriers associated with communicating COVID-19 information to players, members and other stakeholders.
In conjunction with our state governing body, Football NSW, we have developed and promoted amongst our members and stakeholders, a range of resources on COVID-19. These can be downloaded here:
Wellbeing of staff and visitors
If hiring the facility, consult with the owners/operators to address these requirements to understand what measures may already be in place:
We have to date, and will continue to liaise and work with our venue owners - e.g. Local Councils, schools (public/private), or private owners to comply with any specific requirements they may have.
We have determined physical distancing protocols to be used within shared facility spaces (e.g. bar/canteen, change rooms, toilets, spectator viewing areas, entrance foyers, corridors and club house/rooms), and where appropriate, have clearly marked with tape and/or signage.
We have and will continue to encourage individuals to be respectful of shared space, minimise time spent in these areas and observe physical distancing measures.
When we conduct our canteen operations, we commit to implementing hygiene and social distancing measures including:
- marking social distancing for queues;
- having hand sanitiser at point of sale;
- providing gloves for canteen volunteers; and
- displaying hand washing directions above sinks
Ensure COVID-19 Safety Plans are in place, where relevant, for: Swimming pools, Gyms, Restaurants and cafes
For the purposes of this document, we do not have a pool or gymnasium, and as stated above, will implement the necessary protocols for the conduct of our canteen operations.
ACTIONS: Physical distancing
Ensure the number of people in a facility does not exceed one person per 4 square metres (including staff and spectators):
We have considered the number of participants and fixtures to minimise the number of attendees in/on the venue at one time.
Where team benches are permanent (fixed), we will limit the total number of seats to ensure a minimum of 1.5 metres between each member of the coaching staff and substitutes. Where possible, we will mark seats with masking tape and if necessary, provide additional seats to extend the length of the bench.
Where team benches are made up of plastic/other moveable chairs, we will position them so they are at least 1.5 metres apart. Further, we will place signage in technical areas promoting social distancing and reposition the chairs at the required distance between matches.
Minimise co-mingling of participants from different games and timeslots where possible:
Competition Administrators have scheduled matches and we have arranged training days and times to minimise contact, cross-over and avoid unnecessary gatherings of players, family members and staff.
We will schedule time between games/training sessions when possible, to enable all attendees to arrive and exit the venue safely, with minimal contact with others.
We will communicate with players and team staff to encourage personal equipment and bags are arranged to maintain physical distancing of participants (> 1.5 metres) and separation between teams.
Where possible, we have identified separate entry and exit points to the venue via signage and communicated this to participants and parents/carers.
Ensure any spectators comply with 1.5 metres physical distancing where practical, such as through staggered seating. People who live in the same household are not required to distance. Have strategies in place to prevent spectators from different games and timeslots co-mingling.
Parents/spectators may attend games.
We will take the necessary precautions to minimise the risk of transmission including the dispersion of spectators around the perimeter of the pitch and across a range of viewing areas and designating the use of specific seats/areas that meet physical distancing requirements and erecting signage to advise.
We will encourage players and spectators to leave the facility as soon as possible following the conclusion of their training/games.
Have strategies in place to manage gatherings that may occur immediately outside the premises, such as with drop off and pick up zones or staggered start/finish times:
We will stagger arrival and/or departure times when possible for different groups and teams, and within the constraints of the venue design, manage entry and exit points to allow a seamless flow of players/coaching staff and parents/attendees through the venue to limit the risk of overlap and congestion
Reduce crowding wherever possible and promote physical distancing with markers on the floor:
We will promote and communicate the importance of social distancing of 1.5 metres between spectators (e.g parents/carers). This will be done through PA announcements, marked seating, social media, direct communication and signage.
We will indicate the number of people that can occupy indoor spaces in accordance with the 4m2 guideline including toilets, change rooms, canteens, club rooms etc.
Assess the safe capacity of communal facilities such as showers, change rooms and lockers. Communicate this at their entrance and have strategies in place to reduce crowding and promote physical distancing:
We will limit the use of changerooms, gym, wet or inside areas to essential players and team officials and clean these spaces regularly.
We will indicate the number of people that can occupy indoor spaces in accordance with the 4m2 guideline including toilets, change rooms, canteens etc.
Toilets will be open for public use and will display clear signage to indicate the recommended number of people entering (dependent on the space of the amenities).
We also commit to collaborating with our Competition Administrator to request Councils increase the regularity that they clean public amenities.
Where practical, stagger the use of communal facilities. Strongly encourage participants to shower/change at home where possible:
We will limit the use of changerooms, gym, wet or inside areas to essential players and team officials and clean regularly.
We will encourage all participants to shower/change at home where possible.
Use telephone or video platforms for essential staff meetings where practical:
When held, we will conduct club and team meetings via virtual meeting platforms such as Zoom, Facetime, Teams and so on, in place of face- to-face meetings. If we need to meet face to face, we will keep the time to a minimum, implement social distancing requirements by ensuring maximum room allowances are not exceeded and ask participants sit more than 1.5m apart.
Review regular business deliveries and request contactless delivery and invoicing where practical:
We will contact all suppliers and seek their support for contactless deliveries to the club and electronic invoicing where practical.
ACTIONS: Hygiene and Cleaning
Adopt good hand hygiene practices:
We will wipe down key spaces, surfaces and objects (such as benchtops, door handles, team benches, keys etc regularly).
Further we will:
- Promote and provide hand washing guidance to all participants and volunteers ( / );
- Promote regular and thorough hand washing by volunteers and participants;
- Provide sanitising hand rub within the venue and refill regularly;
- Replace/refill soap in toilets regularly;
- Place bins around the venue.
Ensure hand sanitiser is accessible at the venue entry and throughout the facility or ground:
We will provide hand sanitiser within the venue and ensure it is regularly refilled.
We will encourage players, officials, volunteers, and/or their parents/carers to carry personal hand sanitiser to enable good personal hygiene.
Ensure bathrooms are well stocked with hand soap and paper towels:
We will:
- Refill soap in toilets regularly.
- Refill paper towel dispensers in toilets when required.
- Place bins around the venue.
Provide visual aids above hand wash basins to support effective hand washing:
We will promote and provide hand washing guidance to all participants and volunteers: ( and display hand washing guidance in all toilets, changerooms and canteens within our facility.
Encourage participants to bring their own water bottle, snacks/orange slices and sweat towels. Avoid shared food and drinks:
We will stipulate that all participants are to provide their own clearly labelled drink bottle for their use only.
We will communicate to all participants the importance of not sharing any food or drinks.
We will not provide any communal drink or food for players such as drink drums, packets of lollies, fruit etc.
Ensure processes are in place to launder shared uniform items after use, such as bibs or jerseys:
We will encourage players to be responsible for the cleaning of their own playing and training strip (including bibs) and will avoid the sharing of articles of clothing such as volunteer high visibility vests (jacketed marshals will take their own vest home to wash).
Where it is not possible for individuals to wash individual items, we encourage safe processes are in place to launder shared uniform items such as non-contact collection of these items (ie. players to place gear directly into a plastic bag) and the wearing of gloves when laundering.
Clean frequently used indoor hard surface areas, including children’s play areas, at least daily; first with detergent and water, and then disinfectant:
Not applicable
Clean frequently touched areas and surfaces, including in communal facilities, several times per day:
We will clean frequently used spaces, surfaces and objects regularly.
Clean areas used for high intensity sports with detergent and disinfectant after each use:
Not applicable
Reduce sharing of equipment where practical and ensure these are cleaned with detergent and disinfectant between use:
Within the constraints of the game, we will implement arrangements to minimise the shared use of equipment where possible.
Players and coaching staff will be encouraged to not share personal equipment including playing equipment, playing kits, bibs, drink bottles and towels.
We will discourage the sharing of common stationery (pens, clip boards etc.) and other personal IT equipment (laptops, iPads, headphones, etc).
Our Competition Administrators will remind Match Officials to not share personal equipment such as whistles, flags, cards and pens.
Shared equipment (particularly footballs) will be rotated or washed and wiped with antibacterial wipes or alcohol-based sanitiser prior to each match.
Ensure there is accessible detergent/disinfectant and gloves for visitors to use, should they wish:
We will make soap or disinfectant/sanitiser available in common areas for visitors to access.
Disinfectant solutions need to be maintained at an appropriate strength and used in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions:
We will store sanitisers, disinfectant solutions and detergents appropriately and use in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Staff are to wear gloves when cleaning and wash hands thoroughly before and after with soap and water:
We will encourage volunteers and staff to wear gloves when cleaning and wash their hands thoroughly before and after with soap and water.
Encourage contactless payment options:
We will encourage appropriate food/beverage and cash handling arrangements are in place including the use of correct monetary value to minimise contact and where possible, we encourage contactless electronic payment.
ACTIONS: Record Keeping
Keep a record of name and a mobile number or email address for all staff, volunteers, participants, spectators and contractors attending community sports activities for a period of at least 28 days. Ensure records are used only for the purposes of tracing COVID-19 infections and are stored confidentially and securely:
All players, coaches, team officials, match officials and volunteers are required to register and provide contact details through Football Federation Australia’s National online registration system - PlayFootball.
All fixtures are administered through an online Competition Management System (CMS). If required the Competition Administrator can identify which clubs, specific teams, players, team officials and match officials participated in any given fixture. The CMS is also complemented by team sheets.
For the purposes of contact tracing, accompanying parents/spectators will be able to be contacted through the relevant players’ mandatory online registration.
We have encouraged all participants to download the COVIDSafe App.
Make your staff and volunteers aware of the COVIDSafe app and its benefits to support contact tracing if required:
So as to further aid the fight against COVID-19, Football NSW supports the Australian Government’s COVIDSafe app and has strongly encouraged all members of the football community to get behind this initiative.
We have encouraged members of our club to download the app from the Apple App store and Google Play.
Cooperate with NSW Health if contacted in relation to a positive case of COVID-19 at your workplace, and notify SafeWork NSW on 13 10 50:
We commit to cooperate fully with NSW Health if contacted in relation to a positive case of COVID-19 and notify SafeWork NSW on 13 10 50.