How to Register as a Primary Girl

We are very fortunate to have the incredible Gwen Johnson running her Primary Girls again this year.

For those who are unaware of this program, it is an option for girls turning 9 and 10 in 2022 that either do not wish to play in a mixed competition or are brand new to the sport and want a comfortable place to learn and develop. Gwen’s Primary Girls is an extremely supportive environment that allows our young female players to thrive in a non-competitive, fun and safe space.

The Primary Girls play on Saturday mornings with training to be on Friday afternoons from 4pm to 5pm, with a start date to be confirmed. They play small sided games against each other and the teams are mixed each week so all the girls will get a chance to play with and against each other. Gear that needs to be worn are shoes (joggers or boots), shin pads, socks that cover shin pads (MUFC ones can be purchased at Sports Power) and shorts that are comfortable to run in. The club has a playing strip that the girls will be given on game day and returned at the end of the game.

We are the only club in the Shoalhaven to have a program like this. 2022 marks 27 years of the Primary Girls and incredibly every year has been run by Gwen. With the help of this program, in 2021 we had more junior female players then male. That is the first time in the history of the club it has happened. Gwen is a big supporter in female participation in sport (especially soccer) and we are so glad that her efforts in starting this have been so successful.

Now that you know all of this, and you are really keen to register your daughter as a Primary Girl there are a few steps and some things you will need to be aware of.

  1. When you are registering through the link on our website you will notice that there is no Primary Girls option, only the age group that your daughter is a part of. That is absolutely fine, as it is not the team you are registering for, rather the age group.

  2. Once you have registered, please send an email to with your daughters name stating that you wish for her to be a Primary Girl. This allows our registrar to place her in the correct team.

  3. If you forget or accidently skip step 2 that’s ok, the Registrar will always contact female players of the Primary Girls age to ask which team they would prefer to play in so that we do not get any mix ups or miss anyone.

  4. Please note that there is a limit on the Primary Girls as we do not have the field space or resources so it is best to register early.

  5. As amazing as Gwen is, she does need some helpers to assist with some aspects of running the Primary Girls. If you are interested please email as Gwen would absolutely love and appreciate that support.

So, that’s all you need to know! Please reach out if you need any assistance with registration or have any questions. We hope this is helpful and that we get to see the Primary Girls into another successful year.